Full patch notes from the ESO forum.
The website you would go to in your desktop browser is feddit.nu.
I can’t speak for everyone here obviously, but absolutely!
Perhaps I was too quick to answer this due to seeing your other questions, but it seemed like you’re just trying to change your wording to get people to agree with you… to me.
To me it seems that you’re wanting to run a social experiment in the threadiverse without actually disclosing that you’re running a social experiment, while flaunting the community norms of marking bots (voluntarily).
I don’t understand why you want to do this so badly? I don’t care how a bot responds. Why would I want to have a conversation with one on social media?
As a contributor to OSM, this is correct. A lot of the rural US is not mapped super well. There just isn’t enough local, updated imagery or mappers in the country.
The most frustrating part is that both the republican senators and house members KNOW this makes no sense, but they don’t have the balls to say anything. Our government is so fucked.