I just got a ban for “encouraging violence”. Someone asked “what will you do to celebrate when he dies?” Someone else started talking about how they have a fantasy about getting the death note and how they’d put that to use. I chimed in with my silly fantasy of using a seance to end politicians’ careers by getting them possessed by the ghost of GG Allin, and enjoying the mayhem that would ensue.
So, anyway, right after that, I found out that all the people who were so transgressive to have actually liked that comment of mine can, as of a couple days ago, expect punishment as well. How draconian.
And so that was that. No sense in being lorded over on the internet by the same people who run HOAs. It’ll be fun watching Reddit flush itself down the toilet from over here, I expect.
I came here when all the API drama happened, and I didn’t even use third party apps, I just decided that I didn’t want to help make that greedy little pig boy any money. Even still, I’m actually shocked that they’ve cracked down this hard. It’s hard to take serious, because it seems like they would destroy their userbase with this, but they’re doing it.
I also came here when all the API drama happened. I also checked out Sqabblr, which had a different name at first. There wasn’t much here and I was confused by the fediverse. I went on Facebook and that was a hot mess of garbage.
I went back to Reddit recently and it’s noticeably worse - probably a combination of chasing away great mods and our world just being what it is makes for people being awful at each other rather than at problems.
I’ve just come back here this weekend and there seems to be more resources to help me understand the nature of the fediverse. Ideally I won’t be back to Reddit.
Sorry to ramble, hope you have a great week!
Squabblr’s the one where the owner wuickly outed himself as a right-wing transphobe and caused a mass-exodus of early adopters, wasn’t it?
I came when Apollo died. Found Voyager and stayed.
I recently discovered Lemmy, and Voyager reminds me of the good Apollo times.
Same. Apollo was one of the best third-party apps of any kind that I’ve ever used. F
You did god’s work being here this whole time. Thanks.
I’ve been here since reddit backstabbed its 3rd party app devs, and even just since then, Lemmy has grown a LOT while reddit continues to enshittify.
Welcome aboard!
I feel like today is my first day but I made a serious attempt to move here when that happened. I just couldn’t get the apps to work on my android – I kept having to make new accounts when the one I’d set up would suddenly no longer log in.
But today things seem to be working beautifully!
There are quite a few mobile apps to choose from now. I’m using Sync with no complaints, but I haven’t done a comparison since I joined.
My main complaint with sync is that the premium version is just too damn expensive. At least give me a discount since I bought premium for Reddit sync ! Then again, it usually fails to serve me the ads these days, so I guess it’s alright.
The main complaint I have is that lemmy spoiler tags are incorrectly implemented by sync, so you can’t reveal what they say.
I still use it out of habit from Reddit days, but it’s annoying that something so easy to fix is getting ignored by the dev. The app is pretty much abandoned at this point despite still selling the premium subscription
Yeah it’s definitely way too expensive for an abandoned app.
The ads are barely noticable tbh. I just love the feel of sync.
Jerboa works pretty well. No premiums, no ads. It’s nice.
I’m using Connect on Android. It’s worth a whirl!
I tried to leave them, but didn’t know about Lemmy. I’m here now! After 13 years!
Yep, went cold turkey as soon as that happened, been here every day since and it’s so much better!
I got perma banned for saying I hoped Marjorie Taylor green trips and swallows her own head.
I got my perma ban from saying “only a matter of time before Elon gets united healthcare’d” was on there since 2006.
Damn, is there really that many people getting banned? I’ve heard a bit about what’s happening but didn’t think it was a widespread thing.
This was announced by admin so it’s definitely widespread. Turns out they hadn’t even considered that someone can edit a post or comment and that you could be banned for upvoting something which, at the time, had no “violent” content.
So, one could theoretically go into a conservative subreddit and use comment (or post content) editing to bait-and-switch them into upvoting a death threat against spez?
What if Marjorie Taylor Green already tripped and swallowed her head?
Her being inside-out would explain a lot.
Oh my God, that’s amazing! We’re glad to have you
Hilarious - literally and the fact that would trigger a permaban.
I appealed it too- they said after human review, I was inciting violence.
This is clearly a credible threat! The reddit community must be protected from this dangerous rhetoric.
This is some Shel Silverstein style shade lol, I like it
I cackled reading that.
Badge of honor, I reckon.
ok im gonna steal that
I finally made the jump. Hi all.
All the commenters sitting in the circle replying in a monotonous voice: Hi Blorps!
Don’t forget to offer them a can of beans on their way in!
I use Arch, btw
Their can of beans, complimentary jeans, and guide on how to not poop for three days are in the mail.
Hey, please stick around. Do not let the small number of subscribers demoralize you. The communities are small but active.
I tried coming over during the API drama, but seems like there are way way more users here now!
Yeah, that’s what caused me to switch. I’m pretty happy without reddit. I might open it once or twice a year or when Duck Duck go sends me there for my trouble shooting question.
Hello blorps!
Happy cake day 🎂
Hi blorps!
Got perma-banned from a 15 year old account for joking about Elon Musk needing to get Luigi-ed. Fuck that place. Never going back.
Elon needs to have a come to Luigi moment. Welcome to the free internet, sibling. Btw fyi, .world tends to be a little more aggressively moderated than some other instances like .ee; it’s nowhere near Reddit, and I wouldn’t even say it’s problematic, but folks have taken issue with their moderation before.
It’s a bit of give and take, but I doubt you’ll encounter a problem. If you do, just hop servers.
And watch out for .ml of course.
Similar situation here. Nice to see all the like minded folks though!
Ya I had a 12 year old account and 90% of my posts were about electronics and chemistry stuff. 90% of my comments were responding to people asking questions about my hobby stuff. Permabanned for enciting violence, when Trump said he wanted to annex Canada and I said we needed to prepare for war lol. FUCK REDDIT.
There are rules here, but you can say fuck and also post images in the comments, which is kind of neat:
You can say “fuck” on reddit.
Just not “fuck nazis.”
You can’t post images in the comments on Reddit?
I think you can but only on the new UI. If you’re anything like me, no feature in the world could make me use that dumpster fire of an UI.
It depends on the subreddits settings, so it’s basically up to the mods (but only once the sub has a certain number of subscribers)
you can post links to images, but you can’t post actual images AFAIK.
I’ve definitely posted images in comments on Reddit.
Some right wing troll said something akin to “so much for the tolerant left.” I replied “I don’t give two shits about your opinion dude. I’ll see you in the streets during the revolution.”.
That was my third account banned. I figured that shit was pretty innocuous. 😂 This was a few weeks back.
Fuck reddit. It’s probably for the best. They’re talking about paid subs coming next year or whatever. I hope reddit burns to the ground.
Your revolution sounds peaceful. I take your comment to mean “you might disagree but we’ll both be revolting together arm in arm against the billionaires”. I don’t even see where violence is implied lol.
It’s well on its way to becoming X(2).
Came here after the moderation tool censoring of ‘eat the rich’ and ‘Luigi’. That’s some billionaire protective bs.
Keep in mind, a couple of instances including lemmy.world have removed what they consider calls to violence when it comes to Luigi. So general support will be fine, but if you ever end up crossing a line, remember that there are plenty of other instances which allow you to say: Brian Thompson had it coming, kill the billionaires, hang Musk in the town square, and the only thing wrong with doing a Luigi is that random acts of terror against the owner class just aren’t sustainable (see Propaganda of the Deed assassinations in the late 1800s/1900s), you need an organized movement to support this kind of action.
At this point I consider .world to be Reddit-lite
Several specific lemmy communities have taken action against anti billionaire posts. I’ve since blocked those communities.
Yeah. I’ve definitely has comments censored, but only in .world.
- Politeness
- Civility
- Propo
I was also banned there for refusing to get into an argument with a Mod.
Reddit Refugee here. Got my last “permanent” ban from that place. No idea why, don’t care. Greener pastures, I hope.
Today is Green MAR 10.
Everyone please put your narwhals and your bacon in the trash, this is jeans and beans country
(But you can put bacon in the beans, and on everything else, and by itself … no sense wasting bacon)
Can we put narwhals in our jeans?
Idk my dude that might be some animal cruelty shit but if you manage I want a picture.
Only on https://lemmynsfw.com/
On nsfw they actually prefer you go around all narwhal-out.
What about hot dogs? Beanie weenies are pretty good.
What about all these stairs I have?
Reddit has loved that asshole forever. We forget that back in 2016 Reddit allowed a huge subreddit full of upvoting bots and trolls to post the most atrocious lies and slander and bullshit (/r/the_d**ald) on the entire site and it got so bad that it was the ONLY SUBREDDIT ON THE FIRST PAGE OF /r/all FOR AT LEAST A WEEK.
They pulled back when they saw their profits declining and the massive backlash going on but now that we’re in full fascism mode, reddit is going all out again.
Fuck that place.
Funny thing was they introduced the “filter out subreddits you don’t like” feature just before all that… and I was against that feature. Echo chambers were already a thing, why introduce a feature that’d only make it worse? Then /r/the_dick came along and they were the only subreddit I tossed into that feature because you know what, a broken clock really is right twice a day.
Came here from Reddit.
There’s dozens of us!
This supply closet is getting rather crowded!
I hope lemmy’s hostility to nazis continues unabated.
Hostility? That’s a weird way to spell “completely reasonable and desirable response”
There’s definitely a change in the air. I’ve been downvoted to hell for the last week saying and doing the exact same things I’ve been saying and doing the entire time, making jokes at the expense of celebrities and being snarky in political subs. For some reason this week joking about how DJ Khalid doesn’t go down on women and offering non-destructive pro-tips for deflating tires is worth a bunch of downvotes.
I’ve recently seen people pretending that elon didn’t throw a nazi salute.
Yeah wtf. Then they won’t do it themselves on camera, they do some “my heart to yours” wave bullshit, not the hard point like he and Hitler did. Maga scum.
I tell them to try it at work in front of HR.
Joke’s on you, they work at the White House!
No question brigades will happen, but if lemmy can keep the bots out we’ll be way ahead.
I came over to Lemmy a few days ago. I had still been using Boost for Reddit. Somehow my app was still working, but I finally got shut off a few days ago. I can’t handle the promoted posts on the reddit app. I’m at peace with advertisements but the promoted posts were too confusing/distracting for me to comfortably browse.
I bet all of the right wing subs aren’t effected at all