My ex gf did makeup for Danny Trejo for a super small film many years ago. One day she told me to swing by the set at a specific time to have lunch with him, if I wanted. I did! He was super cool. 10/10 would chow down with him again.
My ex gf did makeup for Danny Trejo for a super small film many years ago. One day she told me to swing by the set at a specific time to have lunch with him, if I wanted. I did! He was super cool. 10/10 would chow down with him again.
Air fryer does a good job of searing, btw! Let it cool after the bath, then smear it with wagu tallow and air fry it on high for a minute or two on each side. Thems good eatins!
Are your clients using port 8444 for https? 443 is the standard
That was a hilarious read. Thanks for posting! I had to learn/use prolog for a class in college and in the ~10 years since then, this is the first time I’ve ever seen mention of it in the wild. I lost it at Chad’s flustered assertion that “…nobody knows prolog!”
I can??
Ugh, same exact boat here. Thankfully my partner jumps on the grenade and browses the local FB content and then relays the important/interesting info to me, though :)
Been following this for a while! I’m getting one!
If AI was reliable, maybe. MAYBE. But guess what? It turns out that “advanced autocomplete” does a shitty job of most things, and I bet false positives will be numerous.
“Kitchen”? Ooh la la, Fancy Pants over here. They’ll always be grub slabs to me!
But if there is some sort of breathing technique that works
The purpose of this post was to try to find an answer to this question
Wow, thank you! This is by far the most helpful answer. I will take a stab at grokking this paper.
Because I don’t always have an N95 mask on my person? Because I can’t always 100% control my environment, but I can almost always exercise some control over how I breathe?
The mask replies are super frustrating, haha.
Instructions unclear, need new underwear now.
Thank you for addressing my question. I’m aware of masks, lol. Any idea about nose vs. mouth breathing? Nose hairs filter some stuff, but then these aerosolized droplets are in my nose, so maybe that’s worse?
Regarding short vs long breaths, I was kind of wondering if short breaths might limit how much virus material was inhaled. Restricting oxygen flow might be better if the exposure was short term.
Those are all basically the same thing and qualified by the main point: Like elsewhere in the world, there are crappy people in quantities relative to the population size, given disproportionate exposure by the unflattering confirmation bias of media.
I dunno what that other guy is smoking, I appreciated the level-headed perspective your explanation offered.
Brb gonna 3D print a spoon from my nose