I keep making the incorrect assumption that everyone
Nicely concise description of bubble-dwelling.
I keep making the incorrect assumption that everyone
Nicely concise description of bubble-dwelling.
“640k should be enough for anybody”
Ha! Many will relate to your German anecdote. In Germany my rule is Just don’t do it in front of children. Apparently many Germans feel obliged to lecture transgressors if kids see their bad example but might let it go otherwise. Funny!
But Germany really is an odd outlier in Europe. Something to do with Prussian militarism or something, there are lots of theories. The nextdoor Dutch are completely relaxed and let’s not even talks about the Italians.
PSA: this is a semantic image, i.e. it’s meaningful rather than just decorative. To make it accessible always try to include a text description with it. In this case: what’s written on the sign.
Over here in Europe many people (especially me) just ignore the regulations completely and cross streets pretty much anywhere it looks safe (and not only). Even wide streets, even when there are cars around. Not sure what the exact rules are but the police generally pay no attention at all. Tried doing it in Taiwan once (zero traffic around) and found myself getting an angry lecture from the cops. Culture is a funny thing.
Those “vertical bifacial” panels are a great idea!
Hope lives.
If you’re asking how this was ever allowed, it turns out that “marine protected areas” are the supercategory which is only one level up from no protection at all.
there are more than 16,615 MPAs, encompassing 7.2% of the world’s oceans (26,146,645 km2), with less than half of that area – encompassing 2.9% of the world’s oceans – assessed to be fully or highly protected according to the MPA Guide Framework.
Yeah but I always feel that that’s almost an accident and so it’s on borrowed time. Hardly anybody understands how the plumbing works and the big platforms are trying as hard as they can to abstract away the XML files until they can find a way to privatize the whole thing.
The plumbing of the fediverse v1.0. Still working great despite years of neglect.
But such a terrible name. Only a bunch of basement-dwelling geeks could have come up with this impenetrable jargony acronym “RSS”. I really think that if they had consulted some human beings and called it Webfeeds instead, more people might be using it today.
Trust me, I did too. I got so lost in the puzzle than the shower ran cold.
Indeed! And it gets even weirder:
A person is allowed tobacco and alcohol if it is after January 1 of the year one turns 19 (post-birth age). This is the “year age”, which is basically (Korean age – 1), or when a person’s Korean age is 20.
Ha! Thanx for the insight.
If year 1 was relabeled 0 then that would make centuries more logical. But probably there would be illogical side effects that I’m having trouble imagining right now.
This is uncalled for.
I realized I was doing a similar thing with LGBTQ+ stuff. I thought I was inclusive minded
As one of the letters in that soup, I’ll let you all in on a big secret (it’s a good day for it): LGBTQXYZ does not exist. It refers to a bunch of completely different groups, some of them pretty ill-defined. They don’t hang out together and their interests sometimes contradict each other.
Luckily there’s an easy solution to the problem. Just try to think of people as individuals rather than as members of groups. And don’t get stressed about causing offense. If you just behave like a normal tolerant human being, everything will be fine.
This is a bit hard to parse, but it’s worth noting that Switzerland does have great trains. Often described as the best national network in the world. In this incredibly mountainous country, where almost every line involves multiple tunnels and bridges and viaducts, you can get to all but the smallest of towns by train.
Well that escalated quickly.
Ce demain sera pire encore si on n’apprend pas à se parler et à s’écouter. En démocratie, ignorer les souhaits de l’électorat c’est emprunter un chemin bien périlleux. Ici il y aura précisément deux options à terme : prendre en compte les préoccupations de l’électorat AfD, ou finir avec le AfD au pouvoir.