Of course Zuck is teaching his AI how to be a creepy stalker. Next, he’ll teach it to like girls’ years-old bathing suit pictures.
Of course Zuck is teaching his AI how to be a creepy stalker. Next, he’ll teach it to like girls’ years-old bathing suit pictures.
Greater of two evils turns out to be greater than imagined. Protest votes in shambles, denying that this was entirely foreseeable.
Defense of others. He acted to prevent the deaths of millions at the hands of a monster.
Job Creators are under siege by ungrateful employees seeking a living wage for “unskilled labor.” Paying a living wage to “unskilled labor” devalues “skilled labor.”
Right to Work legislation will keep you from having to pay exorbitant union fees out of your “fairly negotiated in the Free Market” pay check.
Fascism is a valid viewpoint that deserves at least equal airtime and is a normal policy position in a democracy.
The modern day Edison, who uses his money to steal from those smarter than him and claim credit, is the face of Tesla.
We used to think history repeats itself. Now it twists itself to create hideous, exaggerated reproductions of past ills.
Zuck plans on running in 2028 after Trump. His hero he constantly tries to emulate, Augustus Caesar, didn’t run a company. He was an emperor.
Workers being good people and management being full of incompetent sociopaths is an unfortunately common experience.
The Supreme Court has been bought and paid for by right wing special interest organizations like the Heritage Foundation. This obviously illegal order will be upheld. At best, there might be a single right wing judge that crosses to make it a 4-vote dissent.
The rule of law is dead in America. This has been planned since the Painter memo in 1971. The fascist takeover is happening.
Now do Tiananmen Square.
“We’re looking to expand into the terrorist market. We see it as a growth industry given the mounting civil unrest all over the world.”
H1-B visas were a great idea in theory, but Silicon Valley has turned them into indentured servitude contracts. The way they exploit those workers is morally reprehensible, and it drags down the value of skilled labor.
And I doubt they’re the only billionaire assholes doing it.
I love how Zuck downgraded himself from wannabe Augustus Caesar to wannabe Nero’s bitch advisor.
Zuck makes all these fatal mistakes that should destroy him, but he made enough money to get into the club where laws don’t apply and there are never consequences for your actions.
Every sociopath’s dream. But still, I bet he’s in the club because of his usefulness to the old members. He’s not actually one of them, and he never will be.
If you have a problem with it, organize a Facebook union. The only way small voices matter to CEOs are when they speak collectively.
Applying human levels of greed and selfishness to other species was always a mistake. The idea that all life disconnects from the greater good and only cares about individuals and allows their civilizations to be designed to serve a wealthy few is incredibly short-sighted.
In fact, any civilization capable of long distance space travel would have to overcome such idiocy and maximize the potential of all individuals, regardless of the wealth they were born into.
The idiots who hold back progress because of their wealth would also need to be dealt with. You’re not going to have a meaningful future in space with Elons in charge.
Lack of socializing. We’ve lost the third place in modern society. It’s work and home and nothing else. Lots of people work from home now, which is great, but only if you have a third place. You have to meet people in the real world and find a way to connect with them.
People laugh, but churches are a good way to do that. Check one out, sit in the back, and watch the people who show up- the demographics, make sure the congregation is diverse, etc. If you see a same-sex couple walk in and sit down like they’ve done it a hundred times, you don’t have to worry about all the hate bullshit.
Church is a great way to meet people in a place where everyone feels safe and accepted. They are extremely welcoming to newcomers. There are always activities and groups to join. Churches have been the third place for literally centuries.
Even if you have irreconcilable philosophical differences, check out a Unitarian church.
Krampus is a legit alternative. He does tend to eat the naughty, but I would never question someone else’s beliefs.
“This is a greedy health insurance CEO who killed countless people and caused untold human suffering. And this is Chewbacca. Why am I talking about Chewbacca? It doesn’t make sense. You must acquit!”
Whistleblowers are automatically overcome with grief at disappointing the high and mighty Job Creators and shoot themselves in the back of the head twice in despair.
The love of a woman pales in comparison to the constant monitoring and scoring of Chinese intelligence services.