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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • You’re right in that this is not how families should be. They should be people you care about and trust.

    Your family does get a pass for being family; you maybe don’t share the same interests or lifestyle that would otherwise form a distance in childhood friends that eventually fizzles out, but with families this shouldn’t be the case.

    But then sometimes your family members end up (or you discover) they are bad people. Yet even then you may stand with them as they sell drugs or rob people or even have killed people; they’re still family and what they’ve done can be understandable even if wrong.

    Then there are Nazis and Nazi sympathizers, apologists, and supporters.

    Families should stick together, but people also shouldn’t be Nazis. So here we are.

  • I’m just surprised there isn’t a shadow industry of selling blood products fed on people altruistically donating for free (like, as far as I can tell, every country with public healthcare does) with corrupt pseudo-legal marketing ensuring that blood products are not sold for profit (because they sell the bag, not the blood, or they sell the service of delivering blood, or some bullshit like that)

  • Fun fact! My coworker pays more in rent for his apartment than I do on the mortgage of my house. Most often this is true.

    I’m getting a once over by the bank, he’s getting done once over by the bank and again by his landlord, and they might not ever be different.

    So how is an immigrant supposed to thrive when a foreign investment firm is profiting off them twice?

    Subsidize affordable housing, tax wholesale & foreign landlords out of existence. It’s simple.