I can’t see the name Crash and not think of the 1996 movie with James Spader. Which is weird as fuck.
I can’t see the name Crash and not think of the 1996 movie with James Spader. Which is weird as fuck.
I had a similar problem with one of my displays going wibbly like that every time I rebooted during POST and system boot. Only going back to normal once X started.
When I checked my monitor’s display settings when it was wonky, I found that it had the refresh rate set to 14hz and really strange resolution. Turns out it was the display port cable. Replacing that fixed it right up.
Your spoiler tag works fine on the web client. That is the supported way to do spoilers on Lemmy. However, Sync, if you use that doesn’t support Lemmy spoilers and only supports reddit spoilers. Unfortunately no matter what spoiler method you use, it will not work for someone, somewhere. There is no unified spoiler markup across the fediverse, but there really should be.
deleted by creator
I saw this getting traction on Tik Tok a few days ago warning rightsholders they have until, I think, Mar 5th to pull their content from the platform.
Krieger (The character int he GIF) built himself a virtual girlfriend. https://youtu.be/lMbq_Oar7gA
Rofi is a good alternative to dmenu as well.
But what, practically, is the difference? If more and more websites use shit that only works in Chrome or Chromium based browsers, the effect is the same. The web doesn’t work as well for Firefox users.
So an O’Neil cylinder exploits rotation to simulate gravity. When set up properly it feels just like gravity we’re used to here on earth. That should at least help curb the effects of microgravity. Radiation shouldn’t be much of a problem as people would be living on the inside of the cylinder with meters of material between them and outer space.
Are you using a VPN?
Thanks bot I was counting on you!
Fortunately I work from home, so I don’t need a masturbation station at some shared office.
If i3 was a bit too involved for you but you generally like the idea of a tiling window manager you might prefer AwesomeWM.
I’m currently using KDE Plasma with i3. I like it fine. I love i3, and KDE works to tie everything together and add consistency for theming. Previously I was using i3 on XFCE, that was easier to set up. Plasma tends to require special configuration to make it play nice with i3, but once you’re over that hump it makes for a pretty decent combination.
I don’t actually use it myself as a calendar. I use org-mode for notes, todos and from time to time timing things I’m working on. But it has way more features than that right out of the box. But sadly, I can’t really offer much in the way of advice for sync or anything like that.
Emacs Org-Mode is pretty powerful, but can be a bit of challenge to learn at first.
Canada also has a strong cottage culture, where families will spend time in the summer at a cottage, or campground, or other, and they are often on lakes (we have so many lakes, they’re just everywhere, at least where people live.) I don’t specifically remember learning how to canoe, but I think it happened initially on a field trip with school when I was really young. That being said, not all Canadians know how to canoe. I had to teach a friend of mine how to properly paddle when canoeing solo because he had just never been taught. Ironically, it was his canoe we were using.
As long as it continues to be sold on store shelves, it’s modern enough to count.