How’d you get the beans above the frank?
I don’t care what people say, the most important historical event in my lifetime was the discovery and release of the lost Steely Dan tape containing The Second Arrangement
How’d you get the beans above the frank?
I’d love a pre Big Bang universe
I’ve heard of three other words that all start with a D
Stop giving people cancer?
You’ll have to think through a few other philosophical questions first.
What about ailments that either cannot be detected prior to birth or which take onset after birth? By going forward with these uncertainties, you take a nonzero chance of subjecting the hypothetical potential progeny to the same fate.
Even without any chronic ailments inseparable from a person’s body or psyche, there are still external hazards. Is it not ok to force someone to suffer a stubbed toe, yet ok to force an offspring to be born to suffer the eventual certainty of stubbing their toe? I think it would be impossible to find a sentient life that did not experience even a modicum of suffering. What percentage of an offspring’s life do you consider acceptable to force them to suffer through and to what magnitude of suffering? Can you guarantee that these criteria are met throughout their life?
Who do you intend to benefit from making a child? Yourself, your partner, your parents, your religious leaders, your nation’s work force? I don’t expect people to answer “The child”, yet the child is the one who is most involved and the one who must live that life through. The child would not notice any detriment relative to birth if they were not born, and suffering can only be noticed by those who are born (which I would say is certain to happen), so in what way does it benefit any child to be born and shift from zero suffering to some suffering? To what extent does the boon for others that would be exploited from the child’s birth justify the non-zero suffering that the child would experience?
That comment was an explanation of layered figurative language. It was given artistic flourish to convey the emotion and situation in experienced subjective depth rather than the objective and literal point of view of an outsider. I am more succinct and linear in settings for which I have to communicate professionally.
I’ve not been diagnosed but I wouldn’t be surprised if I were. I think the verbosity and run-on sentences are coming out strong right now since I’m stressed over the job stuff, it’s late at night, and Lemmy is a fairly casual forum. As William Shakespeare said, “Brevity”.
Thanks. My natural verbiage is commonly mistaken for an LLM, whether that would be a good thing or a bad thing for that approach.
I’ll check it out, thanks. A resume reviewer had sent me an ATS scan but it was behind a paywall.
There is a dissonance between the echelons of positions. The employers for the lower jobs see your degree and wonder what’s wrong with you for you not to be in a higher position. The employers for the higher positions skim past the degree and don’t care about you unless you already have several years experience in the position.
I may sell myself short because I need income and none of the big fish show any sign of biting.
first step towards depression
Buddy, I’m the Harry Potter living under the depression staircase.
Thanks for the advice though (Thanks for everyone else in this thread as well btw)
A county clerk does the sort of stuff that a Wikipedia nerd is best equipped to do.
He’s not me; I moved to this district this summer and came across his public accounts while researching the candidates new to me on my ballot this year. And I’ve already comfortably made the move to Lemmy.
Rules vary from state to state. I just double checked my state’s .gov site and it verified what I had said before. I can try to see if they’ll accept it late but the fine text doesn’t look like they would.
I wouldn’t be surprised if at least some of your expectation that you’ll be rejected is coming through in interviews.
The thing is that I have to get to the interview stage first; for 99% of this process, it’s just been typed words with no direct interaction with a human person. For the one in-person I’ve had, I probably did show some discomfort because I was caught by surprise having to wear earplugs for a facility tour and they’d be required for the job but I have a medical condition that makes earplugs difficult and painful for one ear. I don’t believe a lack of confidence was conveyed in the phone interviews (apart from one really weird and unexpected AI voice interview), and I believe I came across confident for the one video call interview which was for a job I had only heard of a half hour prior.
Who knows, maybe you become the first Lemming to become elected to office
My recently re-elected county clerk is an active Wikipedia editor and Redditor; I wouldn’t be surprised if he has also partially migrated to Lemmy.
The thing is, once you’ve been stuck in it for so long everywhere, you don’t know how the few people whom you find judicious and honest and whose general input you respect and appreciate can also somehow be sane and in-touch if they are the anomalies who think the same of you. You question if praise and affirmation from them is just an overly polite way of hiding pity and disdain. Even if their analysis says all is good, does that really mean all is good? That’s why I described it as magical, because it’s internally contradictory and independent of social setting. Since I can’t even get to the interview stage, then the text of the resume as approved by others becomes a conduit for the aura to affect the potential employers simply because the resume is mine. That’s the conceit I mean when I say it’s like magic.
I thought lying was a requirement for a cabinet position /s
USA. End goal of work is engineering or design but I’ll settle for factory or shop floor work or something in between if it pays the bills for the time being.
The equivalent to Job Seekers Allowance for me is Unemployment Benefits, with rules varying from state to state. Copied from another comment of mine: “[T]he state deadline to [apply] was by the Friday after losing the job, and buried in the fine text is a line mentioning that certain info has to be submitted at least a day prior to that Friday. I didn’t have required information for the bureaucracy at that time and I really didn’t expect the process to take so long or to be so absurd.” In other words, that ship has sailed. Edit: The state’s phrasing confused me, ignore the strikethroughed text
Lower paying jobs tend to think I’m overqualified so they expect to lose me to higher paying job and don’t want to waste training on me. This is something I also experienced before my previous job, which only hired me because they had plans for me to later advance in their company and utilize my qualifications but this never came to fruition.
I’m locked in a lease that is really cheap for the region and with lots of great amenities and is in the vicinity of multiple industrial centers. I could pay a chunk of change to break the lease but I have nobody whom I could ask to help me move. For my minimum pay ask, I don’t want the commute to be more than 30 minutes, especially with the winter weather coming; if the pay is substantially more than my minimum ask, then I’d accept a longer commute.
My constants for monthly expenses are rent and internet/cell plan, and electricity and natural gas are both roughly constant and are provided some leeway with the winter cold coming. Factoring these values in with how much of my wage would be deducted to taxes and benefits, this is how I arrived at what I would need in income monthly to pay for groceries, gasoline, and misc. essentials.
~~I believe the state deadline to do that was by the Friday after losing the job, and buried in the fine text is a line mentioning that certain info has to be submitted at least a day prior to that Friday. I didn’t have required information for the bureaucracy at that time and I really didn’t expect the process to take so long or to be so absurd. ~~ Edit: The state’s phrasing confused me, ignore the strikethroughed text
I’ve been familiar with the Sisyphean routine of offering myself to other parties only to be met with sharp rejection each and every time since before I entered the job market.
Lefthandedness increases your probability of becoming a U.S. president
One underrated feature of Lemmy is that unlike Facebook, YouTube, etc., negative reactions like downvotes don’t contribute towards promoting the offending content.