It’s correct, as the negation applies to the output. As that is difficult to describe in the English language, they applied De Morgan’s law first.
It’s correct, as the negation applies to the output. As that is difficult to describe in the English language, they applied De Morgan’s law first.
According to my cursory research, cooling loops run somewhere between 10 and 50 °C with the difference of inlet and outlet between 5 and 10 K.
Steam power generation uses the phase change of water, so you need above 100°C.
On the high end of the temperature range, you could possibly run some small district heating while the lower temperatures require active cooling.
Great, now I have to chose between correct geographical names and the reasonable spelling words.
I, uh … counter spell? Unless you counter that, it doesn’t happen and the cards were never on the floor in the first place.
Look at that moron thinking that (a→b)→(¬a→¬b)
doesn’t he know that
Going of the unreadable text on the signs and google maps, I would guess Björnsonstr. looking east. am I close?
python: dependency management is NP-hard rust: just install both versions
The question is, what that even means. There are solutions to different interpretations what the problem is:
He was disruptive, but he wouldn’t have got an answer anyway, so he might as well.
There are 11 possible “digits”. 🤓🤓
By your definition having some separator every 3 decimal digits would make it base 1 000. 🤓🤓🤓
Watch this short video and realize they are the better half:
They are right wingers that want to be free of government meddling in the form of anti discrimination laws, taxes and drivers licenses. For some reason they also the consider age of consent to be a greater evil that the Pentagon.
The billionaire space race reminds me of Devil facial tumour disease (NSFL).
It’s the only cancer (that I know of), that can reliably spread to a new host.
Edit: I did some reading, there are more but that is the one that feels most terrifying. I posted the article on creepy Wikipedia.
The image is a cropped xkcd with the text replaced but the same joke.
There is “not financially viable” and than there is spending 12 times the gdp of earth each year.
As a climber I have to disagree, figure 8 knots are the best, especially when double back.
It’s the one knot I trust my life to on a weekly basis and I have rarely encountered a situation where they weren’t part of the solution.
Inline code
in `back ticks`
Multiline code
` ` `
triple back tics
` ` `
I don’t know how to escape triple back tics inside a code block, just ignore the spaces
The other atomic clocks that are averaged to give us our ground truth for time.
… or one second back, that’s the problem.
Well, apart from the free movement of people and goods, the common currency, the gdpr, the international students and the consumer protection what has the EU ever done for us?
Brought peace.
Uh peace, shut up.
Sie haben in der Tabelle am Ende immer die gleichen Antworten, sie sind also bei jedem gleich passend.