“If 10 people sit on a table with a Nazi, there are 11 Nazis on that table”.
You are not the asshole.
“If 10 people sit on a table with a Nazi, there are 11 Nazis on that table”.
You are not the asshole.
Only wounded? By a Jewish chip? And he is still is a cop?
You’re description of Notepad++ reminds me of Kate (KDE)
See life from the side of not being the “norm”.
Except everything is related to politics. The price of the bread is politics. The roads made, politics too. Having to pay the doctor or not, politics.
Politics is not “what the politicians do”. It’s “affairs of the cities”, from Ancient Greek πολιτικά (politiká). And everything that affects more than one person is an “affair of the cities”.
It doesn’t make what the Dems do anything but right wing.
You do know that “left Democrats” are center right on the rest of the world, right?
I think it could be. I’m not a native English speaker, so…
A reply to a personal email from the direct boss but sending it to every other boss in the enterprise and including something in the line of “stop touching my balls!!!” (“deja de tocarme los cojones”).
By “right-wing” you mean “American right-wing”, right? Because from outside the US most of what she said was center-right being generous.
You can torture every poll to say what you want. It’s that simple.
“And even with that you fucked it up”.
The funniest thing is that the final stage of unbound capitalism means no estate and then, when they need help there will be nobody to save them.
Is Tesla selling their fully autonomous driving cars yet?
A promise from Melon means nothing.
Farewell and fuck off
This is the correct way IMO. “Uploading” your mind to a computer is making a clone/copy, but the original dies the same.
What’s wrong with that? If you only find 3 months jobs you end up that way. And if you sprinkle some 1 week jobs the count rises very fast.
“if Santiago was safe, why the order?”
At? Sometimes I don’t remember it on the fly