Adjusted to inflation and time, hell yes
Present time hahaha
I hate the antichrist, btw
Adjusted to inflation and time, hell yes
the fuck you are smoking? my first desktop kost that much and it ran crysis really fucking good
Why didnt you just to fucking try removed the wacky ram and adding one by one to see if it changes anything? Its like 30 minutes max
Wanna find out? Get in
Its Reddit-esque humor but it checks out. Ive though about that username more than I’d admit
There is no Mötorhead on Lemmy
English 101 in China
It peaked after papijump
Optionally use KeyOxide problem solved
As good as my dad! He went for a quick drive to get cigarettes and he’s still driving! Never knew he is that good
The real question is would a clone be family?
calm down satan
Wow 4chan really changed huh
Shreks’ moist pickle dick
Thats not too shabby! Credit cards are like 5 grams of plastic
the question here is what you are smoking
Thats not the gravity of the situation