Because reasons.
Because reasons.
Bottom line: That entirely depends on what you look like.
And for many, just as importantly, what you want need to look like.
Fuckers. I was about to renew. Fucking fuckers. Fucking fuckety fuck fuck fuckers.
Somebody needs to accuse her of being a man and demand an inspection. Maybe do it on the regular.
This does not appear to be well known: kale really needs colder temperatures in order to taste best. It’s sweetest when it has been through a frost or two. Unfortunately that’s not always maximally profitable for Huge Giant Corporate farms and so your kale is grown in warmer temperatures and tends to be bitter.
On the plus side, it’s incredibly easy to grow yourself.
Hope it was in cash.
Has Lemmy just been completely flooded with CCP apologists now?
RedNote ToS includes provisions that require you to post “correct views on history, nationality, state, or culture”.
I guess if you believe Taiwan should be “returned” to the mainland, Uhghurs deserve to be “re-educated” and enslaved, and that China is the natural and rightful pre-eminant global power… you’re gonna be fine.
So any guesses on whether the OP is paid in RMB or some other currency?
when Nancy pelosi sets herself up as a defacto leader using insider trading
Dude. You should put down the bong long enough to read up on what was covered in the high school civics class you slept through.
You are correct - I had forgotten (been quite a while). I still think it’s funny but thanks for pointing this out.
But 宝 (Bǎo) means “precious” or “treasured” and 红宝书 probably only gets translated as little red book because it sounds better in English.
Wow. They really went with Xiao hong shu?
Concur. I use Duplicati-> Backblaze.
I’m curious. Have you always been a complete jackass?
You are overlooking the pollution the emit while running, which is considerable, especially 2-stroke ones. A gas leaf blower used for an hour emits the same air pollution as driving 1,100 miles (source).
And the fact that that oil has to be changed periodically. They also have many plastic parts AND small engines have a notoriously high failure rate when used with ethanol fuels.
Meanwhile, the electric motors in battery ones basically run forever and properly cared for the batteries last many years, after which they can be recycled.
Username checks out.
I’m rooting for the Polio. Those cute hats and little sticks and you get to ride around at a full gallop and then drink gin & tonics afterward.
“I wanted to be outraged and lose sleep daily. I need to yell at my computer and throw things at my TV in order to feel alive”