Guys listen up, every deepseek model comes with a dedicated chinese spy, who will log all your data and send it back to CCP who will use it to plot the destruction of the western civilization.
Instead we should use Freedom© models from OpenAI (side note if deepseek is so “open” how come they don’t have open in their name huh?) even if OpenAI don’t show their reasoning, they only do this cuz they want to protect us and they stand for our values.
They cost 100x more only because they are fighting for our Freedom and Freedom doesn’t come cheap, Freedom doesn’t have a price, Freedom requires our sacrifice.
I like to think that there are two versions of this “hard working elite”. 1. Is the worker and 2. Is the owner
When these people are working and no doubt they work hard as a worker they enjoy their pay for their work. They are considered a proletariat imo.
But they also enjoy the surplus from the work of their employees. And this version of them is the bourgeois.
We can commend the worker side of them (for which they are already receiving a wage) while at the same time condemning them for the owner side of them.
Because at the end of the day, any surplus the owner is getting because of being an owner is exploitation of the workers.