Agree to an extent. Its a tool that can aid talentless folk like myself shitpost, and has its place. But I agree with tags and disagree with inundating forums and stealing ip
Agree to an extent. Its a tool that can aid talentless folk like myself shitpost, and has its place. But I agree with tags and disagree with inundating forums and stealing ip
Congratulate him on his obscene wealth for us
I about to be the same way. Best of luck to you both!
Also like California passing public health laws and companies deciding it is easier to comply to the entire U.S. instead of duplicating product lines.
Truth. Also stop deforestation
I’m no longer afraid. I can say it freely.
I don’t get this meme and I don’t know what 196 is.
But I don’t want yall to stop having your fun.
Fair enough. Thanks for the input.
From our perspective, anyway. That environment existed long before the modern terrestrial one did.
Well that’s dark. Are bullets considered a drug as well?
Great idea! Thank you
They’re both adolescents in my mind and I’m younger than either by over a decade.
Planning ahead for an extra round of holiday layoffs?
Oh yeah, it would have.
I think if tyson won, they’d just get him to keep fighting weird fights.
He won 40 mil and Mike won 20 mil.
It was dumb, we paid attention, Tyson cashed in. Nobody was hurt. They both won.
It was always there - we merely lost the fight on making it shameful to say in public.
With attitude and public shaming!
Was an arborist for years in a region that would get to -20F and lower every year. We wouldn’t work past -10, as diesel would gel up past that.
Couldn’t afford nicer things. So, layers were key. If you start to sweat, take em off until you slowed down. Staying dry is key.
But for the jogging part, anything breathable with a shell layer will get it done. I never liked the super light and stretchy stuff because they’d rub my nips harshly.
Just get some stuff off amazon until you find what you like, then return it all and buy the stuff you liked from a store you respect?
Oh yeah. Just as I entered high school
I think that leaves star trek?
The whole “the cruelty is the point” thing is so foreign to me. It isn’t difficult to cause hardship with clean intentions. To cause intentional pain broadly and blindly just doesn’t make sense to me. And I can “devils advocate” and try to empathize fairly well (hard to know if that’s true without acting like a creeper).
Global dominance?