Bitte bitte geh trotzdem wählen. Lasst uns das Trump-Harris-Debakel nicht hier wiederholen, weil ein signifikanter Teil der tendenziell linker eingestellten Bevölkerung lieber gar nicht wählt statt “das kleinere Übel”.
Bitte bitte geh trotzdem wählen. Lasst uns das Trump-Harris-Debakel nicht hier wiederholen, weil ein signifikanter Teil der tendenziell linker eingestellten Bevölkerung lieber gar nicht wählt statt “das kleinere Übel”.
Thanks for that explanation, didn’t know that expression. That makes a lot more sense!
I guess so but I also don’t really get it.
“Wanna hang [your dick] out [the wall] later?” might be a glory hole reference??
This. Being able to pee without necessarily setting down is great when you’re outside, or in a public toilet but I see absolutely no sense of doing that at home.
Free sauna without a high electricity costs. Sounds like a win to me!
Ich habe einen ganz günstigen Kreuzlinienlaser von Parkside (Lidl) und war damit immer sehr zufrieden. Hat mir beim Trockenbau und Fliesen legen super geholfen. Lediglich das mitgelieferte Stativ ist m.E. zu klein. Da es aber eine normale Standard-Stativ-Aufnahme hat, konnte ich ein bereits vorhandenes von einer Kamera verwenden.
I guess this question has to be looked at from multiple dimensions.
From a purely economical and short-term perspective, maybe yes. Every human not contributing to society at an at least average level, is consuming ressources and driving up the costs. No matter if it’s due to illness, disability, depression, age, weakness, missing intelligence etc.
From a social perspective, such a program quickly can turn into a nightmare: First of all, everyone would be under pressure. If you’re not a constant top performer, you’d feel like a burden on society. And the bar to be a top performer would constantly rise as more and more people on the ‘lower end’ decide to end their lives.
Second, it’s impossible to quantify the value of a person holistically. People can provide no direct economic value and still be an important member of society. Like emotionally supporting others, being loved, providing jobs etc.
Furthermore - in a society where at some point the ‘weak’ are expected to ‘voluntarily’ end their lives, people would be constantly scared. No one would be willing to take any risks because getting injured, getting a depression etc. would be like an implicit death penalty. This would again lead to devastating effects on economy.
I personally think that everyone should be allowed to end their lives if they really deeply want it. But this should never be expected, actively promoted or pushed for. And I think it should involve at least a consultation with a medical professional to avoid hasty decisions due to a temporary crisis.
Looks very interesting and insightful. Is this fictional or authentic video material?
Does not work with the cybertruck.
Viele Wahlentscheidung werden oberflächlich getroffen und ohne große inhaltliche Abwägung. Ist heute ein Hochwasser oder eine Naturkatastrophe, wählen morgen ein paar mehr Leute grün. Verübt heute ein Migrant ein Verbrechen, hilft es der den rechten Parteien. Was vor einem Jahr war, ist bei den meisten kaum noch präsent. Solche Ereignisse kurz vor der Wahl können durchaus Leute beeinflussen.
You’re right, but remember that gates are bidirectional. Maybe in the future there’ll be a point where his brother reconsiders his political views but if he’s only surrounded by similar-minded folks, it’s way harder to break out of that social circle.
The other 10 are just infants obviously.
Or save your money and get absolutely loaded on blackjack and hookers back home.
Not exactly what I’d call a healthy coping mechanism in face of emotional stress.
I agree. Don’t think about it like going to the wedding or not. Decide if you want to cut ties with your brother and possibly other parts of your family. Maybe also people that don’t share his political opinions but still side with him in terms of the wedding. Chances are high that not going will permanently damage your relationship to your brother and possibly other family members that side with him. If you value your ideals higher than your family, that’s perfectly okay. But from perspective you aren’t forced to do that.
If you have connections to wealthy people because of your wealth, there’s good chance these people are rather interested in your wealth and power than you. You lose the wealth, they lose interest.
I’m sure if he kept having it he’d grow to like it
The tofu or the farts?
Good point, if you’re 100% subjectively lucky, not only you would have that ‘live-forever DNA’ but also everyone else that you’d wish for, i.e. all your loved ones. And if you were looking for a new friend or partner, you’d always find a perfect match immediately.
I guess such an ability might have severe negative consequences for the part of the universe you dislike or don’t care about. But from a purely egocentric point of view, I can’t see any drawbacks at the moment.
If you don’t specify a currency or a grade of inflation, this might kill far more people than expected.
1 billion Iranian Rial for instance is just about 23752 USD.
Wie sehr würde mich so ein Ansatz freuen! Meines Wissens strebt aber leider keine der aktuell relevanten Parteien so eine Reform an. Vermutlich schlicht, da sie wissen, dass ihnen eine solche Reform schaden würde.
Aber auch wenn es leider noch kein Ranked Choice gibt und auch auf absehbare Zeit nicht geben wird, sollten wir immer das wählen, was noch am ehesten unseren Wertvorstellungen entspricht. Ich persönlich konzentriere mich dabei auf die Parteien, die höchstwahrscheinlich über 5% kommen.
Gäbe es Ranked Choice würde ich vermutlich anders wählen aber das steht leider nicht zur Debatte. Aber wenn du dich von keiner der etablierten Parteien irgendwie vertreten fühlst, dann wähle ruhig eine Kleinpartei, dann bekommen sie zumindest Mittel und Aufmerksamkeit für die nächste Wahl. Hauptsache nicht nicht.