i know, i am one. and I gotta say I find almost every single female character on “mainstream television” unbearable because the writers portray them in such sexist way & they have no personality. (well i guess its TV, its not supposed to be real) But I also find most men unbearable because they are… well I guess they’re supposed to act “charming” and “attractive” but I find them creepy. maybe I just hate people lol.
no, most things advertised as “skincare” is fixed with perfume and artificial coloring.
yes I guess, I can’t articulate myself well. I just mean that putting random chemicals on ur face makes things worse (also, from a capitalists perspective, they don’t want you to get better, they want to make it worse or do nothing so you buy more of their product.) and its absolutely stupid to buy this stuff.
yup! exactly.
I don’t use any of that crap, except yk, shampoo and eh, shower gel stuff.
my skin’s very healthy, and I never even wash off my makeup. I get like 1 zit per month but that’s cuz I’m still young. Then I used to have friends that kept complaining that they had zits DESPITE their excessive use of “skincare” products. which is, duh its not DESPITE , its because. also I never got the deal, as long as your skin doesn’t rot or you know, hurt, what’s the issue?
so, like this one?
hopefully it stays that way
Germany still going strong with 1’99€ for 12
I went outside at midnight yesterday just to drive around like some idiot, I am lucky I even managed to get up lol. at least I can sleep early tonight
wow! thanks for this, peach & eggplant is crazy!
…seedless bananas
edit: holy fuck/what the shit, banas before this gene manipulation were CRAZY!! I have been eating modified bananas all my life & never knew!!!
it feels like the way it sounds when you can hear your phone charging through your headphones
I’ll break the ice, what the flip is potash, and why’s it fun
no, that is a tool to crush pills.
I heard horror stories of people starting to sleepwalk and go crazy from them. but maybe that’s because they are fake
literally drooling