is the first example, where Call Me Leni/Lenny/Shinigamiookamiryuu posted a link to Twitter, and someone responded with “ew, Xitter Link”.

Call Me Leni/Lenny/Shinigamiookamiryuu replied with “Who is Xitter Link”? and it was explained that the owner of Twitter is a Nazi, to which Call Me Leni/Lenny/Shinigamiookamiryuu responded with “The whole salute thing has been debunked though.” Call Me Leni/Lenny/Shinigamiookamiryuu locked the thread after members replied to the statement of the salute being debunked.

29 days ago, someone made a thread on a Support community on and this prompted Call Me Leni/Lenny/Shinigamiookamiryuu to do what other users perceived as doubling down:

Further into the comments, members accused Call Me Leni/Lenny/Shinigamiookamiryuu of “sealioning”:

  • 野麦さん
    3 days ago

    So let me get this straight; you’re arguing that everything is okay because you got punished for it in the past? And that the act itself was not actually bad because it was just proship fanfic stuff?

    • Call me Lenny/
      3 days ago

      I would venture to guess you wouldn’t want things you said or did years ago to follow you forever either just because someone who has a grudge on you has the power to bring it up. Rough analogy, but it would be like saying it’s alright for a guy who served a few years in prison for a bank robbery to be run out of his new home by the bankers just because what he did before he served time was “not okay”.

      • 野麦さん
        3 days ago

        Sex offenders have a high chance of re-offending in your example, and are essentially branded for life by the state. In particular, sex crimes involving minors. I know the stigma of having made mistakes in your past, but the difference that time makes is the development of remorse, steps towards not doing the same thing, and being a better person.

        If you want to appeal to a sense of rehabilitation, please tell me what you did and how it was wrong and how you’re feeling about it. I don’t believe in a permanent brand even for some actions, but if you’re remorseless then what’s to make me believe you? And before you ask me why I’m painting myself as an arbiter, just remember that one person friendly to your cause could turn the tide of canceling.

        • Call me Lenny/
          3 days ago

          I never offended in the first place though. I have a completely clean record crime-wise, save for trips to the psych ward (they record those where I live, and my psych ward mugshot is still on display on the databases). The things I’ve said and done have been screened by people of all levels of power and I have always come out clean, be it in prosecutions or lawsuits. It’s the regular people who don’t see things that way. That’s what I mean by “my mistakes”, and I don’t stand by how it came off, and have made all amends I need to make. Yet I could theoretically spay myself and still be targeted for this, because it’s all about the grudge to some people.