Konservativ ≠ Rechts
Konservativ ≠ Rechts
Bitte, Obi-Luxemburg, helft uns! Ihr seid unsere letzte Hoffnung!
Fritze hat jedenfalls kein Recht mit diesem Ausmaß an Entrüstung zu reagieren, nachdem er grade offen, mit gerade so eben genug plausible deniability für den Stammtisch, um Schützenhilfe von der AgD wirbt.
Und mal wieder erweckt der Titel den genau gegenteiligen Eindruck wie der Artikel.
Man riskiert halt lebenslange psychologische Schäden bei anderen.
Ganz zu schweigen von Unbeteiligten, die bei evtl. plötzlichen Ausweichmanövern auch noch zu Schaden kommen können.
Verkehr funktioniert am besten, wenn sich möglichst alle möglichst vorhersehbar verhalten.
Nein, Kalle, der erste Tweet war völlig richtig, und das Schwanz Einziehen deplaziert.
Während Rechtspopulisten Gift spritzen dürfen so viel sie wollen, lassen sich Demokraten den Mund verbieten. So werden wir die Geschichte ganz sicher wiederholen.
I thought the exact same thing and we should all endeavor to use 4616250 as a meme.
Weil der Bund Verteidigung bezahlt. Wie ich geschrieben habe. Und weil der Bundeshaushalt eine Zahl ist, die ständig überall in den Medien diskutiert wird, sodass sich darunter Menschen was vorstellen können.
Wir können aber gerne auch vom Gesamthaushalt rechnen, dann sind es 11%, was immer noch eine beeindruckende Größe ist. Es weiß nur einfach keine Sau, was 2% oder 5% vom BIP wirklich bedeuten, weil keine Sau ein Gefühl dafür hat, in welchem Verhältnis BIP und Haushalt(e) stehen.
Die Angabe, oder eine Angabe in Mrd. Euro, kommt jedenfalls nie dazu, wäre zur Einordnung aber bitter nötig. Wir fluchen über 7,5 Mrd. Kindergrundsicherung, und dann drehen wir uns um und zucken bei 100 Mrd für Waffen mit den Schultern.
Sozialversicherungen sind übrigens genau das, Versicherungen, werden aus extra Versicherungsbeiträgen finanziert und haben nichts in dieser Betrachtung verloren. Aus gutem Grund werden sie auch in deiner Quelle extra neben Bund und Ländern aufgelistet.
BIP 2023: 4185,6 Mrd. Euro (destatis )
5% davon sind 209,28 Mrd. Euro
Bundeshaushalt 2024: 488,9 Mrd. Euro (BMF )
Also mal eben schlappe 43% des Bundeshaushalts (nur der kommt ja für Verteidigung auf). Nur damit wir alle wissen wovon wir reden, denn ich denke mit der Angabe in % vom BIP wird immer so leicht der Eindruck erweckt “2%, 5%, ist doch nicht so viel”.
Here is an (old but updated) article on the topic.
As of 2015, the main method of distributing copies of anything is over the internet, and specifically over the web. Nowadays, the companies that want to impose DRM on the world want it to be enforced by programs that talk to web servers to get copies. This means that they are determined to control your browser as well as your operating system. The way they do this is through “remote attestation”—a facility with which your computer can “attest” to the web server precisely what software it is running, such that there is no way you can disguise it. The software it would attest to would include the web browser (to prove it implements DRM and gives you no way to extract the unencrypted data), the kernel (to prove it gives no way to patch the running browser), the boot software (to prove it gives no way to patch the kernel when starting it), and anything else relating to the security of the DRM companies’ dominion over you.
Under an evil empire, the only crack by which you can reduce its effective power over you is to have a way to hide or disguise what you are doing. In other words, you need a way to lie to the empire’s secret police. “Remote attestation” is a plan to force your computer to tell the truth to a company when its web server asks the computer whether you have liberated it.
As of 2022, the TPM2, a new “Trusted Platform Module”, really does support remote attestation and can support DRM. The threat I warned about in 2002 has become terrifyingly real.
Remote attestation is actually in use by “Google SafetyNet” (now part of the “Play Integrity API”), which verifies that the Android operating system running in a snoop-phone is an official Google version.
This malicious functionality already makes it impossible to run some bank apps on GrapheneOS, which is a modified version of Android that eliminates some, though not all, of the nonfree software that Android normally contains.
This kind of walled garden where you don’t really control your machine is where MS wants to get, and TPM2 supposedly enables them to do that or is a step in that direction.
any cognitive Task. Not “9 out of the 10 you were able to think of right now”.
and I distinctly said that it should be “a right”
Yes, you did, but you said it as part of an answer to the question “why are landlords considered parasites?”, and you explained that those who own more homes than they can live in are parasites. The logical conclusion (would be that it should be outlawed to be a landlord.
So, how am I to understand that? Should there be a quota, an acceptable amount of parasites so to speak?
People own apartments too. If you can’t own more than one home, surely apartments would also be covered by that?
If that means the government* subsidises it for the low income families (as in owns them and rents them at below market value), so be it.
Not everybody who doesn’t want to buy is low income. I’m too lazy / risk averse to maintain everything myself, so I happily pay my landlord a reasonable premium to bear the risk of shit burning down (or breaking in less dramatic ways) for me. I also like that I would be able to pack up and move without worrying about selling my old place. I might change my mind later on, but right now I’m good.
Why should governments subsidize the lifestyle choice I’m consciously making?
You assume that everybody wants to own and that just isn’t the case.
A jury can rule somebody not guilty even if they are convinced that they did the thing.
Same here, but I did occasionally get a similar full screen reminding me of that fact and urging me to buy a new PC. I installed Mint instead.
People keep saying “Linux is user friendly enough these days for even non techy people” and I’m sorry but it’s totally Not.
I guess people who say that think of the average non techy user as someone like me: I don’t really know how this works under the hood, but I do troubleshoot my own stuff, am willing and able to search for help and apply advice on my own, try different things, and hopefully realize when that advice starts to sound fishy.
The thing is, that’s not the average non-techy user. That’s already “dabbling in tech”.
The average non techy user is Homer going “oh, a talking moose on the Internet wants my credit card number? Sounds fair.”
The same is true for windows though. I have to help my dad with some minor thing at least once a month.
Was davon ist für dich jetzt extremistisch?