My favourite was the one Finnair used to do in the spooky season. Flight 666, straight to HEL.
Saved you a click: Munich.
I can only assume that the software that looks up the flight code failed to find a destination, or the object is malformed - so in the absence of any destination is just reads “Mystery Flight”.
Quality, though.
Anecdote time: I went for a job interview at the other end of the UK a few years ago, hopped on a flight to Aberdeen. Got comfy, nice flight, decent staff etc - and about 45 mins in the flight crew announced “we’ll be shortly arriving at Liverpool John Lennon airport…” with the rest of the safety spiel.
I felt my heart sunk. Not only would it be an expensive pain in the butthole to get back, but I’d have to make the call of doom to my future manager effectively saying “don’t bother giving me the job because I’m clearly a fucking idiot”.
Turns out, it was one of those “hopper” style services more commonly found on island communities, a two leg flight to Aberdeen stopping off midway to let people off and add people on. I nearly died of shame 😂
I can only assume that the software that looks up the flight code failed to find a destination, or the object is malformed - so in the absence of any destination is just reads “Mystery Flight”.
no actually I think there are mystery flights that dont tell u where ure going so its a surprise but tell u what places it could be so that u know what documentation u might need and stuff, I saw a warning about that on the page of the last airline I used saying something like “if u take a mystery flight make sure u have all the documentation ready for any of the possible destinations”
Fuck me, that’s a brave call, seeing as some destinations are off limits depending on what passport you have!
I didn’t think there’d be enough people to fill an Aerial Lingus “mystery” flight without filling the rest of the seats with regular passengers, but then I suppose the people who had booked on to the flight as a regular segment would ruin the surprise within seconds.
A couple times a buddy and I would take what we called “mystery vacations” where you walk into the airport and ask if they need any seats filled ASAP because you can haggle them down to crazy prices.
You just don’t know where you’re going ahead of time and you’ll have to figure out your return flight.
But I flew from Atlanta International to Denver International for $45 once.
Huh, wonder if this is still possible/possible in Canada. Imagine not but would be a fun adventure.
From talking to other people online, it seems to still be possible in the states.
Just be ready for rejection, and for the people at the ticket counters to be really confused about what you’re trying to do haha.
Lol, will dig a little bit then. Used to love doing something similar to this when Greyhound still rolled through here.
Worst anyone can say is no :)
“This is the non stop flight to Tucson, Arizona. There is no escape and there will be no return flight”
Dear God. Is there not a horror community on Lemmy for which you could reserve this kind of comment?
It would be more terrifying if it had a layover in Pheonix.
That place is a monument to mankind’s arrogance.
Since they made that episode, Phoenix is now humid in the summer. Let that sink in. A place that has had an average of 0% humidity for the last few hundred thousand years, they’ve planted so many grass golf courses, and water them so much that it is frequently above 50% humidity. IN PHEONIX! Arrogance is correct.
Don’t give them ideas!!
Welcome aboard, this is your pilot speaking. I will now be taking you on a one way trip to the furthest depths of Bulgaria. There will be no return flights for the next 24 hours and all passengers will be expected to stay at least a month there.
I would go on this flight. I like getting lost in strange lands
Yes, however you will be lost in Bulgaria
Is Bulgaria dangerous?
Its Eastern Europe, so basically depending on which part you go you could end in what is essentially European Detroit
“Welcome aboard, I’m your captain Agatha Christie, buckle up mutherfuckers!”
El Salvador
Aren’t they the flights that they use to test airports?
“Do you have an airbus A350 gathering dust in your garage? You could be a mystery flight operator secretly testing airports all over the world! No previous experience required!”
Guantanamo probably
Munich, apparently.
It codes as both EIN9350 and EI9350… I think this is the pictured flight.
We will be taking a flight into the interior of Antarctica,